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Eon Cup - Smilnická a Kilianová v Japonsku, september 2012
Gymnastika27. -30. septembra sa uskutočnil Svetovy pohar klubov - EON cup 2012 v Japonsku za účasti 19 krajín. Právo účasti si klub ŠK ŠOG vybojoval na základe najlepších výsledkov na Slovensku za minulý rok. Reprezentovali nás Renáta Smilnická a Xénia Kilianová pod vedením Z. Maniačkovej.

V silnej konkurencii sa nestratili, porazili reprezentácie Thajska, Nórska, Lotyšska, Japonska, Arménska. Xénia najvyšsiu známku získala za obruč a kužele, Renáte Smilnickej sa naviac vydarila zostava s loptou a stuhou. Naše družstvo obsadilo celkovo 14. miesto.

Súťaž pokračuje finálovou súťažou, do ktorej už naše dievčatá nezasiahnu.

· sgnr dňa september 28 2012 · V Gymnastika · 2 Komentárov · Vytlačiť
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The advent of her aunt's maid, Victorine, some two hours later, was the signal to be ## "up and doing"; and she meekly resigned herself into the hands of that functionary, who appeared to regard her in the light of an animated pin-cushion, as she performed the toilet-ceremonies with an absorbed aspect, which impressed her subject with a sense of the solemnity of the occasion.
"Now, Mademoiselle, regard yourself, and pronounce that you are ravishing" Victorine said at length, folding her hands with a sigh of satisfaction, as she fell back in an attitude of serene triumph.
Debby robeyed, and inspected herself with great interest and some astonishment; for there was a sweeping amplitude of array about the young lady whom she beheld in the much-befrilled gown and embroidered skirts, which somewhat alarmed her as coach outlet online to the navigation of a vessel "with such a spread of sail," while a curious sensation of being somebody else pervaded her from the crown of her head, with its shining coils of hair, to the soles of the French slippers, whose energies seemed to have been devoted to the production of marvellous rosettes.
"Yes, I look coach factory outlet very nice, thank you; and yet I feel like a doll, helpless and fine, and fancy I was more of a woman in my fresh gingham, with a knot of clovers in my hair, than I am now. Aunt Pen was very kind to get me all these pretty things; but I'm afraid my mother would louis vuitton handbags look horrified to see me in such a high state of flounce externally and so little room to breath internally."
"Your mamma would not flatter me, Mademoiselle; but come now to Madame; she is waiting to behold you, and I have yet her toilet to make "; and, with a pitying shrug, Victorine followed Debby to her michael kors aunt's room.
"Charming! really elegant!" cried that lady, emerging from her towel with a rubicund visage.
"Drop that braid half an inch lower, and pull the worked end of her handkerchief out of the right-hand pocket, Vic. There! Now, Dora, don't run about and get rumpled, but sit quietly down and practice repose till I am ready."
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23/09/2013 17:27
Dobrý deň, komunikácia funguje aj tento rok, len je to tam trošku pomenené ... ale určite sa dá prihlasovať aj odhlasovať zo stravy cez elek. žiac. kn.

18/09/2013 17:38
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04/09/2013 11:12
treba dať žiadosť na vedenie školy o zmene športu

03/09/2013 13:56
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31/08/2013 19:31
To záleží od športu a ide o príspevky do školského športového klubu.